
SAF Industry Directory

Megann Coad

Director of Identity Preserved Grain Lab


[email protected]



Illinois Crop Improvement Association

Illinois Crop Improvement’s vision is to provide unbiased third-party services that can be used to confidently and transparently produce improved seeds and grains. Illinois Crop Improvement’s mission is to deliver superior laboratory and inspection services as an unbiased quality and certification authority for seeds and grains by collaborating with industry stakeholders, technology providers, researchers, and other interested parties. And deliver counter-seasonal services to rapidly advance seed improvements for plant breeders and seed producers through superior nursery, seed increase, and growout services in Puerto Rico. The association’s Identity Preserved Grain (IPG) Lab assesses crop performance characteristics through chemistry, composition, and processing methods for various varieties and hybrids. Its client base ranges from plant breeders to merchandisers, targeting dry milling, wet milling, oilseed crushing, feed production, and any number of other specialty applications.

3105 Research Road

Champaign, IL 61822


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Illinois Crop Improvement Association Category Location

  • Feedstock Production, Preparation & Agronomy - Feedstock Production, Preparation & Agronomy
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