

Employer Job Package

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Agra Energy

5677 Gauthier Rd.

New Franken , 54229


[email protected]


AGRA ENERGY transforms methane gas waste into clean and renewable liquid fuels. We have innovated a new compact design for GTL (gas to liquid), calling it a micro-GTL. Micro-GTL enables Agra to attack pollution at its source. Anywhere there is biogas, such as a landfill, wastewater treatment facility, food waste, etc., we can convert that pollution stream into a ‘drop in’ liquid fuel. Agra’s current target is cow manure, with our first commercial site becoming operational in August 2023 at the Dairyland Dairy in New Franken, WI, yielding approximately 50 barrels of Renewable Diesel/SAF per day. We foresee a rapidly growing enterprise, installing hundreds of our units over the next five years.

Agra Energy

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